Comments Posted By Abu Daboo Doo al Bedrocki
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Great post. I would have to say that most US Presidents have had a very rough time of it, just the nature of the beast. And I would say that any President who leads during a time of war will have the added stress of knowing that his decisions may cost the lives of his countrymen. That said, my Father-in-law has a saying: 'if you refuse to make a decision, the decision will be made for you'. I think that is where we are as a country. President Clinton, despite his personal foibles, made a very bad mistake by not acting to defend US interests when they were attacked (Khobar towers, US Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania, USS Cole). His refusal to make a difficult decision caused the emboldened Islamists to believe they can attacked US interests without retribution (other than dozens of FBI agents investigating and international arrest warrants being issued). Unfortunately, GWB was forced to decide a course for our country that was difficult and trying. Nobody should forget his speech on Sept 16, 2001 (?) to the US Congress where he stated that it would be a war like no other we have ever faced, and it will be long and arduous, and will take many years to win. This speech is conveniently forgotten by those raised on MTV who have the attention span of a blowfly.

The US and our allies won WW2 with the full support of the American people, including the media. I don't think we would have been able to win if our own prominent countrymen were on the airwaves repeating the same kinds of propaganda as Tokyo Rose. This is what we have come to, our own sense of freedom of speech is helping to destroy us.

Thanks for your great article and your site. I like that you try to foster a polite conversation among your posters, rather than a disrespectful and profane Jerry Springer-meets-Crossfire kind of approach.

Comment Posted By Abu Daboo Doo al Bedrocki On 12.01.2007 @ 15:13

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